Order Lepidostromatales
This is a small group of recently clarified basidio-lichens. They differ from related orders by having a clavarioid fruitbody with a lichenized basal thallus (squamules). The associated algal type (photobiont) is chlorococcoid rather than the coccomyxoid type of Multiclavula (Cantharellales).
- Lepidostromataceae
Taxon Details and Links
- Nomenclature
- Lepidostromatales , Fungal Diversity 64 (1): 174 (2014). Type: Lepidostroma Mägd. & S. Winkl. 1967.
- Taxonomy
- See the Wikipedia page for a good discussion of the taxonomic history.
- Description links
- basidiolichen research at Lawrey Lab
- Wikipedia
- Related links
- Ertz, D., J. D. Lawrey, M. Sikaroodi, P. M. Gillevet, E. Fischer, D. Killmann, E. Sérusiaux. 2008. A new lineage of lichenized basidiomycetes inferred from a two-gene phylogeny: The Lepidostromataceae with three species from the tropics. American Journal of Botanyer 95(12): 1548-1556. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.0800232
- Hibbett, D. S., R. Bauer, M. Binder, A.J. Giachini, K. Hosaka, A. Justo, E. Larsson, K.H. Larsson, J.D. Lawrey, O. Miettinen, L. Nagy, R.H. Nilsson, M. Weiss, and R.G. Thorn. 2014. Agaricomycetes. Pp. 373–429 In: Systematics and Evolution, Second Edition, The Mycota VII Part A. (D. J. McLaughlin and J. W. Spatafora, Eds.), Springer Verlag. [Chapter 14 and complete volume PDF at Hibbett Lab Publications.]
- Hodkinson, B. P., B. Moncada, R. Lücking. 2014. Lepidostromatales, a new order of lichenized fungi (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes), with two new genera, Ertzia and Sulzbacheromyces, and one new species, Lepidostroma winklerianum. Fungal Diversity 64(1): 165-179. DOI: 10.1007/s13225-013-0267-0
- Taxon links
- 803215 Lepidostromatales
- MycoBank
- Index Fungorum