Order Polyporales
[polypores in part & some corticioids]
This is the main group of the polypores but some are found in other orders. There are other mushroom types included here besides poroid forms. Four main clades (groups) have been recognized plus several smaller clades and genera. Justo et al. (2017) proposed a classification of 18 families plus 3 clades with informal names and a few unassigned taxa; this is a framework for further revision. Some poorly known families await further DNA analysis to place them and are not listed here (Justo et al. 2017). Much work remains to be done at the generic level. Some genera are polyphyletic and genus concepts and boundaries must be worked out. See the cited papers for complete list of genera. Selected genera are below (not all of these are recorded for Chicago Region).
The phlebioid clade contains members of Phanerochaetaceae, Meruliaceae, and Irpicaceae. Some (former) members of these families however fall outside this clade and are part of the so-called residual polyporoid clade. The members of the families were mixed together in DNA phylogenies.
- phlebioid clade
- Phanerochaetaceae (Bjerkandera, Donkia, Hapalopilus, Phanerochaete, Phlebiopsis [Hjortstamia], Terana)
- Irpicaceae (Byssomerulius, Ceriporia, Gloeoporus, Irpex, Leptoporus, Trametopsis)
- Meruliaceae (Aurantiporus, Climacodon, Crustodontia, Hydnophlebia, Merulius, Mycoacia, Phlebia, Sarcodontia)
- residual clade
- Steccherinaceae (Antrodiella, Etheirodon, Junghuhnia, Loweomyces, Mycorrhaphium, Nigroporus, Steccherinum)
- Cerrenaceae (Cerrena, Radulodon, Spongipellis in part but not its type S. spumeus)
- Panaceae (Cymatoderma sensu stricto, Panus)
- Hyphodermataceae (Hyphoderma sensu stricto)
- Meripilaceae (Meripilus, Rigidoporus sensu stricto)
- Podoscyphaceae (Abortiporus, Podoscypha, Pouzaroporia)
- hypochnicium clade (Hypochnicium, Bulbillomyces); and climacocystis clade (Climacocystis, Diplomitoporus, Rickiopora)
- unplaced: Spongipellis spumeus (type species not related to Sarcodontia)
- core polyporoid clade
- Polyporaceae (Cerioporus, Cladomeris, Cryptoporus, Daedaleopsis, Datronia, Datroniella, Donkioporia, Favolus, Fomes, Funalia or Trametella, Ganoderma, Globifomes, Lentinus, Lopharia, Microporellus, Neofavolus, Perenniporia, Picipes, Polyporus, Trametes, Truncospora)
- grifola clade
- Grifolaceae (Grifola)
- gelatoporia clade
- Gelatoporiaceae (Cinereomyces, Gelatoporia, Obba, Sebipora)
- antrodia clade
- Fomitopsidaceae (Antrodia, Buglossoporus, Daedalea, Fomitopsis includes Piptoporus, Niveoporofomes, Rhodofomes)
- Laetiporaceae (Laetiporus, Pachyma (Wolfiporia), Phaeolus)
- fibroporia+amyloporia clade (Amyloporia, Fibroporia, Rhodonia)
- Dacryobolaceae (Amylocystis, Dacryobolus, Jahnoporus, Oligoporus, Postia, Spongiporus)
- Sparassidaceae (Sparassis)
- unplaced genera: Anthoporia, Auriporia, Crustoderma, Gilbertsonia, Laricifomes, Piptoporellus, Pycnoporellus, Ryvardenia, Sarcoporia, Taiwanofungus
- skeletocutis-tyromyces clade
- Incrustoporiaceae (Incrustoporia, Piloporia, Skeletocutis, Tyromyces)
- ischnoderma clade
- Ischnodermataceae (Ischnoderma)
Taxon Details and Links
- Nomenclature
- Order Polyporales , Vergleichende Morphologie der Pilze: 503 (1926). Type: Polyporus P. Micheli ex Adans. 1763.
- Taxonomy
- The traditional families are being revised. Justo et al. (2017) gives a proposed framework of families to build upon.
- Description links
- Tree of Life (2007)
- Wikipedia
- In April 2013 Otto Miettinen built out the Polypore page on Wikipedia.
As with Alfredo Justo’s Volvopluteus pages, this was submitted in response to the FESIN-sponsored competition for travel awards to the MSA meeting in Austin Texas.
- Related links
- Binder, M., A. Justo, R. Riley, A. Salamov, F. Lopez-Giraldez, E. Sjökvist, A. Copeland, B. Foster, H. Sun, E. Larsson, K-H. Larsson, J. Townsend, I. V. Grigoriev, and D. S. Hibbett. 2013. Phylogenetic and phylogenomic overview of the Polyporales. Mycologia 105(6): 1350-1373. DOI: 10.3852/13-003
- Han, ML., Chen, YY., Shen, LL., Song, J., Vlasák, J., Dai, YC., Cui, BK. 2016. Taxonomy and phylogeny of the brown-rot fungi: Fomitopsis and its related genera. Fungal Diversity 80: 343-373. DOI: 10.1007/s13225-016-0364-y.
- Hibbett, D. S., R. Bauer, M. Binder, A.J. Giachini, K. Hosaka, A. Justo, E. Larsson, K.H. Larsson, J.D. Lawrey, O. Miettinen, L. Nagy, R.H. Nilsson, M. Weiss, and R.G. Thorn. 2014. Agaricomycetes. Pp. 373–429 In: Systematics and Evolution, Second Edition, The Mycota VII Part A. (D. J. McLaughlin and J. W. Spatafora, Eds.), Springer Verlag. [Chapter 14 and complete volume PDF at Hibbett Lab Publications.]
- Justo, A., O. Miettinen, D. Floudas, B. Ortiz-Santana, E. Sjökvist, D. Lindner, K. K. Nakasone, T. Niemelä, K.-H. Larsson, L. Ryvarden, D.S. Hibbett. 2017. A revised family-level classification of the Polyporales (Basidiomycota), Fungal Biology 121(9): 798-824. DOI: 10.1016/j.funbio.2017.05.010 [Available at Justo Publications]
- Miettinen, O., M. Rajchenberg. 2012. Obba and Sebipora, new polypore genera related to Cinereomyces and Gelatoporia (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). Mycological Progress. 11:131-147. DOI: 10.1007/s11557-010-0736-8
- PolyPEET at Clark University, The Polyporales Post. Recent Polyporales news. Many publications listed here.
- Taxon links
- 90565 Polyporales
- MycoBank
- Index Fungorum