Genus Ceriporia Donk

[sensu stricto]

This resupinate poroid genus seems defined by simple characters and what it lacks. The genus is characterized by a monomitic hyphal system with simple septate generative hyphae, hyaline spores, lack of cystidia, and a white rot in the attacked wood. It may be looked upon as a counterpart to Ceriporiopsis which is separated in principle only by clamped generative hyphae. From page 180 in Ryvarden and Gilbertson, 1993, European polypores. Part 1. Synopsis Fungorum. 6:1-387.

Two species are identified from Chicago. Ceriporia purpurea, pore surface purple; one historic record. Ceriporia spissa, bright orange to reddish-brown; only recent records. There are about seven other species in North America, but some may fall outside of Ceriporia in the strict sense since the genus is polyphyletic.

The pink, reddish, violet, or orange species are listed below (Spirin et al. 2016).

  1. Ceriporia aurantiocarnescens is known from Arkansas and California on hardwoods.
  2. Ceriporia bresadolae is known from Alberta on spruce, possibly Arizona on pine.
  3. Ceriporia manzanitae is known from California on manzanita.
  4. Ceriporia occidentalis is known from California and Washington on hardwoods.
  5. Ceriporia punicans is known from Pennsylvania on hardwood.
  6. Ceriporia purpurea is confirmed for Pennsylvania on hardwood.
  7. Ceriporia spissa is confirmed for Massachusetts and Pennsylvania on hardwoods and pine.

Additional species reported for North America:

  1. Ceriporia alachuana, found in Illinois.
  2. Ceriporia excelsa, found in Illinois.
  3. Ceriporia ferrugineocincta
  4. Ceriporia reticulata
  5. Ceriporia sordescens (Type: New York)
  6. Ceriporia tarda, found in Illinois.
  7. Ceriporia viridans
  8. Ceriporia xylostromatoides, found in Illinois?

Taxon Details and Links

  • Ceriporia Donk, Mededelingen van het botanisch Museum en Herbarium van de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht 9: 170 (1933). Type: Polyporus viridans Berk. & Broome, Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7: 380 (1861).
The type species Ceriporia viridans was described from the United Kingdom but is also recorded across North America and other continents.
Miettinen, O., V. Spirin, J. Vlasak, B. Rivoire, S. Stenroos, D. S. Hibbett. 2016. Polypores and genus concepts in Phanerochaetaceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). MycoKeys 17: 1–46. DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.17.10153
Spirin, V., J. Vlasák, B. Rivoire, J. Kout, H. Kotiranta, O. Miettinen. 2016. Studies in the Ceriporia purpurea Group (Polyporales, Basidiomycota), with notes on similar Ceriporia species. Cryptogamie, Mycologie. 37(4): 421–435. DOI: 10.7872/crym/v37.iss4.2016.421.
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