Genus Porostereum
[status: excluded]
- Chicago Region status
- Two name changes.
- Porostereum crassum is now Phlebiopsis crassa (Hjortstamia).
- Porostereum spadiceum is excluded from the Chicago Checklist and I would say North America [see that page for more detail]. The name Stereum spadiceum was misapplied by Moffatt (1909) and other early collectors to specimens of Stereum gausapatum.
This genus had 3 species in North America according to Ginns (1998). Ryvarden (2010) describes 4 species from Cuba, Mexico, and South America. He equates the type P. phellodendri Pilát with Thelephora spadicea Pers.:Fr. but does not treat it in his book and does not indicate any species existing in USA or Canada. This gave another clue that Porostereum spadiceum does not occur in the USA or Canada.
2018 Update: Liu et al. (2018) say that Porostereum spadiceum is known from Europe, Armenia and Morocco. This publication recognizes four to seven species depending on synonymy. There is no indication that any of these occur in USA or Canada.
- Porostereum cystidiosum
- Porostereum fulvum
- Porostereum lilacinum
- Porostereum phellodendri, on Phellodendron, Siberia
- Porostereum sharpianum
- Porostereum spadiceum
- Porostereum umbrinoalutaceum
Taxon Details and Links
- Nomenclature
- Porostereum Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 52 (3): 330 (1937) [1936]. Type: Porostereum phellodendri Pilát 1937. ,
- Taxonomy
- Porostereum is in the Phanerochaetaceae but some species have synonyms as Lopharia, which some online sources put in the Polyporaceae. Porostereum was listed by Ginns (1998) as belonging in the family Stereaceae; this is its original placement by Pilát. It is interesting that Pilát described a new species, P. phellodendri, from Siberia as the sole member of his new genus in 1936. It was not until 1990 that other species were transferred to the genus. Binder et al. (2013) showed Porostereum spadiceum as closely related to Bjerkandera adusta so it could be placed in Bjerkanderaceae if that family was recognized but Justo et al. (2017) synonymized Bjerkanderaceae with Phanerochaetaceae.
- Related links
- Binder, M., A. Justo, R. Riley, A. Salamov, F. Lopez-Giraldez, E. Sjökvist, A. Copeland, B. Foster, H. Sun, E. Larsson, K-H. Larsson, J. Townsend, I. V. Grigoriev, and D. S. Hibbett. 2013. Phylogenetic and phylogenomic overview of the Polyporales. Mycologia 105(6): 1350-1373. DOI: 10.3852/13-003
- Ginns, J. 1998. Genera of the North American Corticiaceae Sensu Lato. Mycologia 90(1): 1-35. DOI: 10.2307/3761008
- Justo, A., O. Miettinen, D. Floudas, B. Ortiz-Santana, E. Sjökvist, D. Lindner, K. K. Nakasone, T. Niemelä, K.-H. Larsson, L. Ryvarden, and D. S. Hibbett. 2017. A revised family-level classification of the Polyporales (Basidiomycota). Fungal Biology 121(9): 798-824. DOI: 10.1016/j.funbio.2017.05.010 [PDF available at Justo Publications]
- Liu, S.-L., K. K. Nakasone, S.-H. Wu, S.-H. He, Y.-C. Dai. 2018. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Lopharia s.s., Dendrodontia, Dentocorticium and Fuscocerrena (Basidiomycota, Polyporales). Mycokeys. 32: 25-48. 10.3897/mycokeys.32.23641.
- Moffatt, W. S. 1909. The Higher Fungi of the Chicago Region: Part I, The Hymenomycetes. Natural History Survey, Bulletin No. VII, Part I. Chicago Academy of Sciences. 156 pp., 24 plates. 10.5962/bhl.title.3605 [Read Part 1 online at Biodiversity Library; Part 2 not found]
- Ryvarden, Leif. 2010. Stereoid fungi of America. Synopsis Fungorum 28.
- Taxon links
- 18351 Porostereum
- MycoBank
- Index Fungorum