Dentocorticium portoricense

Dentocorticium portoricense (Spreng. ex Fr.) Nakasone & S.H. He

[Fuscocerrena portoricensis]

Epithet = of Puerto Rico. Genus = tooth + made from bark.
Effused-reflexed with toothy-poroid hymenophore similar to Irpex lacteus with long confluent patches and reflexed margins. Upper side dark brown, tomentose, sulcate and zonate. Hymenium dark brown to greenish white, irregular with angular pores (1–2 per mm) becoming split, maze-like to toothy with flattened teeth. Microscopic characters include a dimitic hyphal system of clamped generative hyphae mixed with brown skeletal hyphae. Cystidia or other sterile elements are absent. Dendrohyphidia occur in the hymenium, up to 22 µm long, with numerous protuberances in the upper part, often covered with fine crystals. Basidiospores are cylindrical, often slightly bent, smooth, hyaline, non-amyloid, thin-walled, 5–7 × 2–2.5 µm.
Similar species
Gilbertson and Ryvarden (1986): The species is normally easy to recognize in the field because of the dark brown pileus and the often greenish white irregular hymenophore becoming dark brown and split with age. It may be confused with Hydnochaete species, but basidiocarps of these are in general more rusty brown and microscopically distinguished by simple septate generative hyphae and above all, by long, acute and dark brown setae.
Datronia mollis (Cerioporus mollis) has larger spores.
White rot of dead hardwoods.
Annual to perennial and persisting through the winter.
Eastern North America from North Dakota to Florida. Absent or rare in the Northeast and Canada. From Texas, continues south through Central and South America to Southern Brazil.
Chicago Region status
Rare. The first and third identified collections were found on IMA forays in May and July 2018 in DuPage County. The second and fourth collections were found in McHenry County. In 2019 a fifth collection was found at Kankakee River State Park, Will County. There are nine specimens on MyCoPortal from western and southern Illinois.
Specimens examined
2018: P. R. Leacock 13603 and 13730 from DuPage County; PRL MF12010 from McHenry County. 2019: PRL 13866. Patrick had seen the species previously on NAMA forays, and a Smith Foray in Wisconsin.

Taxon Details and Links

  • Dentocorticium portoricense (Spreng. ex Fr.) Nakasone & S.H. He, Mycokeys 32: 42 (2018)
  • ≡ Basionym, Sanctioned: Polyporus portoricensis Spreng. ex Fr., Elenchus Fungorum 1: 115 (1828)
  • Fuscocerrena portoricensis (Spreng. ex Fr.) Ryvarden, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 79(2): 279 (1982)
  • = Cerrenella coriacea (Berk. & Ravenel) Murrill, Bull. Torrey Botanical Club 32(7): 361 (1905)
  • = Cerrenella farinacea (Fr.) Murrill, North American Flora 9(2): 74 (1908)
  • = Cerrenella subcoriacea Murrill, North American Flora 9(2): 74 (1908)
Puerto Rico.
This species has also been transferred to Poria, Trametes, and Cerrena. There are also six heterotypic synonyms in Cerrenella, Daedalea, Hydnum, and Irpex. Cerrenella became a taxonomic synonym of Hydnochaete.
Bill Sheehan photos on Mushroom Observer. Note that Bill says: Teeth have a fringe of brown hairs. Gilbertson and Ryvarden (1986): actively growing specimens with greenish-white tube walls with a brown tint while the dissepiments [edges] remain brown due to projecting skeletal hyphae.
Wikipedia page for Fuscocerrena (May 2018)
Wikipedia page for Dentocorticium
Gilbertson, R.L., L. Ryvarden. 1986. North American Polypores. Volume 1: Abortiporus - Lindtneria. Fungiflora, Oslo, Norway. pp. 1 - 433.
Liu, S.-L., K. K. Nakasone, S.-H. Wu, S.-H. He, Y.-C. Dai. 2018. Taxonomy and phylogeny of Lopharia s.s., Dendrodontia, Dentocorticium and Fuscocerrena (Basidiomycota, Polyporales). Mycokeys. 32: 25-48. DOI: 10.3897/mycokeys.32.23641
Ryvarden, L. 1982. Fuscocerrena, a new genus in the Polyporaceae. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 79 (2): 279-281 DOI: 10.1016/S0007-1536(82)80114-9.
Mushroom Observer
MycoPortal (synonyms not linked): Dentocorticium portoricense, Fuscocerrena portoricensis
Index Fungorum and Species Fungorum
Species Fungorum

Note: The species was moved to Dentocorticium in March 2018. Index & Species Fungorum and MycoPortal have not linked up synonymy as of May 2018.

Compare Index Fungorum and Mycobank.

Cite this page as: Leacock, P.R. (2019 May 02). Dentocorticium portoricense - MycoGuide. Retrieved from

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