Genus Antrodiella Ryvarden & I. Johans.

[yes, more whitish polypores]

Many are successor species that grow on wood decayed by another fungus and may grow on the old fruitbodies of that fungus. Ryvarden and Gilbertson (1993): Remarkable is the association of a number of species in Antrodiella to dead basidiocarps of other polypores and corticoid species, or at least to wood attacked by such fungi. The reason for this connection is not known.

These small white polypores with tiny pores can be found in the Chicago Region and elsewhere if you look for them. A microscope is required for identification. I have not yet confirmed which species we have for Chicago area. Most likely we have Antrodiella semisupina.

The first list are those in North America.

  1. Antrodiella canadensis (A. overholtsii), North America, Europe, on gymnosperms.
  2. Antrodiella incrustans, eastern USA.
  3. Antrodiella leucoxantha, eastern USA; Europe as A. genistae; lectotype from Virginia on black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia).
  4. Antrodiella pachycheiles, eastern USA, red maple, birch.
  5. Antrodiella pallasii, Europe, ?North America, on gymnosperms with Trichaptum abietinum.
  6. Antrodiella semisupina s.s., North America, (type likely on oak) [wide taxon concept in Gilb. & Ryv. 1986].
  7. Antrodiella thompsonii, Ontario, Canada, on aspen.
  8. Antrodiella tuberculata, Mexico, on angiosperm.
  9. Antrodiella versicutis, Cuba, Gulf Coast USA, on angiosperms.

Second list has additional species outside of North America.

  1. Antrodiella angulatopora, Venezuela.
  2. Antrodiella brunneimontana, Malaysia.
  3. Antrodiella citrinella, Europe; on gymnosperms with Fomitopsis pinicola.
  4. Antrodiella citripileata, China.
  5. Antrodiella depauperata, Solomon Islands, on bamboo.
  6. Antrodiella diffluens, Malaysia.
  7. Antrodiella ellipsospora, Russia, on gymnosperms.
  8. Antrodiella faginea, Europe; China as A. micra; on angiosperms with Hymenochaetaceae.
  9. Antrodiella flava, Malaysia.
  10. Antrodiella flavitubus, Solomon Islands.
  11. Antrodiella foliaceodentata, Russia, Europe, on angiosperms.
  12. Antrodiella globospora, Japan.
  13. Antrodiella ichnusana, Europe.
  14. Antrodiella indica, India.
  15. Antrodiella induratus, Saint Helena.
  16. Antrodiella lactea, China.
  17. Antrodiella mollis, Brazil, on angiosperm.
  18. Antrodiella multipileata, Brazil.
  19. Antrodiella murrillii, ?Belize, Costa Rica.
  20. Antrodiella nanospora, China, on angiosperm.
  21. Antrodiella negligenda, Malaysia.
  22. Antrodiella onychoides, Europe, on angiosperms.
  23. Antrodiella pallescens, (A. beschidica, A. farinacea), Europe; on angiosperms (also fir) with with Fomes fomentarius.
  24. Antrodiella parasitica, Europe, on gymnosperms with Trichaptum abietinum.
  25. Antrodiella pendulina, China.
  26. Antrodiella perennis, China, on angiosperm.
  27. Antrodiella pirumspora, France, on angiosperms with Trametella trogii.
  28. Antrodiella rata, New Zealand.
  29. Antrodiella reflexa, Panama, on angiosperm.
  30. Antrodiella romellii, Europe, Russia; on angiosperms [name possibly misapplied in America by Gilb. & Ryv. 1986 to a taxon on gymnosperms].
  31. Antrodiella semistipitata, Italy, on angiosperms.
  32. Antrodiella serpula (A. hoehnelii), Europe; on angiosperms with Inonotus radiatus.
  33. Antrodiella stipitata, China.
  34. Antrodiella subcrassa, Tasmania.
  35. Antrodiella subligativa, Malaysia.
  36. Antrodiella subradula, Russia.
  37. Antrodiella subscutellata, Jamaica.
  38. Antrodiella xanthochroa, Malaysia.

Third list for segregate species in Antella.

  1. Antella americana, eastern North America,; on angiosperms with Hymenochaetopsis tabacina.
  2. Antella chinensis, China, on angiosperm.
  3. Antella niemelaei, northern Europe, ?Russia; on angiosperms with Hymenochaetopsis tabacina.

Fourth list for segregate species in Frantisekia.

  1. Frantisekia abieticola, China, on gymnosperm.
  2. Frantisekia fissiliformis, eastern USA, on angiosperms, [see Gilb. & Ryv. 1987, p. 808].
  3. Frantisekia mentschulensis, Europe, on angiosperms.
  4. Frantisekia ussurii, China, Russia, on angiosperms.

Taxon Details and Links

  • Antrodiella Ryvarden & I. Johans., A preliminary polypore flora of East Africa: 256 (1980). Type: Polyporus semisupinus Berk. & M.A. Curtis, Grevillea 1 (4): 50 (1872).
Trametes subscutellata (Murrill 1910) is kept separate from Antrodiella semisupina according to Miettinen et al. (2006). Some synonymy on Index Fungorum does not agree with the work of Miettinen et al. (2006). Certain Antrodiella have been moved to Antella, Austeria, Metuloidea, Steccherinum, Trametopsis, and Trulla. More species will likely be transferred to other genera with further research.
See references on Wikipedia for Antrodiella.
Miettinen, O., T. Niemelä, W. Spirin. 2006. Northern Antrodiella species: the identity of A. semisupina, and type studies of related taxa. Mycotaxon 96: 211–239. [Mycotaxon available here: MykoWeb - Mycological Journals]
Index Fungorum

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Cite this page as: Leacock, P.R. (2018 Jul 01). Antrodiella - MycoGuide. Retrieved from

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