Introduction to Fungi

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Scientific Classification

This is a system of placing species into groups based on the evidence available for how they are related. The hierarchy for these groups is shown below. Each level above that of Genus has an ending that designates that level within the system of botanical nomenclature though these differ between plants and fungi. The totally separate system of zoological nomenclature does not use defined endings. Between fungi and animals there is an overlap in some names: the genus Lactarius can refer to milk mushrooms or the false trevally fish.

LevelHalf-free MorelChicken MushroomWhite Oak
Super­divisionnot usednot usedSpermat­ophyta
Phylum / DivisionAsco­mycotaBasidio­mycotaMagnoli­ophyta
Sub­phylumPezizo­mycotinaAgarico­mycotinanot used
Sub­classPezizo­mycetidaeIncertae sedisHamamel­ididae
GenusMorchella Dill. ex Pers.Laetiporus MurrillQuercus L.
SpeciesM. punctipes PeckL. sulphureus (Bull.) MurrillQ. alba L.

Phylum is also known as Division. Those levels shown shaded are ones added above or below the major levels and are not used on this website. The term Incertae sedis (Latin for "of uncertain placement") means the relationships are unknown or undefined at that level.

For classification above Kingdom Fungi see the Wikipedia article on Holomycota: Eukaryota => Unikonta => Opisthokonta => Holomycota => Fungi.

Cite this page as: Leacock, P.R. (2017 Dec 13). Introduction to Fungi - MycoGuide. Retrieved from

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