Updates for MycoGuide subsite /guide/

A selection of the new and updated pages

For the full list of Guide pages see the Site Map.

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2022 research and new pages

Updated report page summary for 2020–2021.

2022 January 6: new family page Fistulinaceae.

2021 research and new pages

2021 January 5 to 8: Next update in this set is a big taxonomic mess and has propagated changes to my other pages for the family. Here are Aleurodiscus, the Stereaceae, and the new fangled Stereum page.

2021 January 3 to 5: Another simple update became a more complex several day process. Here is Xylobolus.

2021 January 1 to 3: What started as a simple update on Hymenochaetopsis turned into two full days of research on the mysterious glue crusts - Hydnoporia!

Ended 2020 with Major Guide Upgrades

Brief report summary for 2020.

2020 December 30: Moving Day! The CMS Kirby 3 version is now live on my website (testing finished 2:35 PM). See: Guide.

2020 December 28 to 29: Updating my Guide code to move from CMS Kirby 2 to current Kirby 3.

2020 December 25 to 28: Updating my Guide code to move from older CMS Kirby 1 to Kirby 2.

2020 December 24: As this site continues with upgrades, please let me know if any images fail to load or other problems. The conversion to HTTPS should be complete.

2020 December 23: Refactored the PHP templates for the new taxon page. This is the new live Stereum page. These new PHP templates can be developed further without breaking the previous set of templates.

2020 December 17 to 22: Refactored (rebuilt) the new taxon page layout that I developed during November to December. About every two years I improve the page code for current best practices of HTML5 and CSS3. For 2021, this work includes finishing the transition (for all 200+ pages) to CSS3 Grid and Flexbox for layout rather than floats; improving the semantic structure; refactoring the PHP templates.

2020 November, December: started new taxon page layouts, beginning with Stereum. Converted the last few pages [that missed my 2018 design upgrade]; these now have a current 2020-2021 design, including: Why Look Underneath?, the video pages, Repackaging, Fungi Classification. Flipped the switch to run secure site as HTTPS.

2019 January: finished converting [most] existing pages to new mobile friendly layouts.

Back in December 2018 I finished the website redesign for mobile-friendly layouts. All the 225 converted pages were uploaded in January 2019. Improvements are being made in 2020. For all of the Guide pages see the Guide Site Map.

Newest Content

New records and species pages for Chicago Region: Dentocorticium portoricense and Trametopsis cervina.

2017 January to December: I am no longer posting frequent updates to this page. The updates vary from whole new pages to minor edits and URL updates (converted to DOI links).


There are 18 Families for the Order Polyporales. At the end of 2017 I finished web pages for each family. The first family published here is the Polyporaceae in 1839. Jülich described many polypore families in 1981. Justo et al. added families in 2017. Check out who's who in these pages below, sorted by age.

  • 2014: Explored CMS options; decided on Kirby; started building site (Apr to Dec).
  • 2013 Jan to Feb: Developed site design (Tric-cali) and site structure (directories).
  • 2012: Started making content. Experimenting with a CMS.
  • 2011: Had temporary home page.
  • 2010: Domain MycoGuide.com obtained.